A review by ink_and_ash
Lucky You by Erika Carter


I really enjoyed this novel. Carter's writing was witty and engaging. At its core, this is a story about three twenty-something girls finding themselves while making fairly stupid decisions.

I've seen many readers take issue with the novel's lack of character development as the story progresses. However, this aspect of the novel was, in my opinion, both effective and realistic. And because of this, I think Carter purposefully did not have the three girls learn that much by the end of the story.

Chloe, Rachel, and Ellie are three "friends" who end up in a cult-like experience called "The Project" with Rachel's boyfriend. The three girls are somewhat unlikeable...but in a way their flaws make them either relatable, or make the reader think "I know someone like this." So I personally enjoyed the three characters and rooted for them. Though some of their decisions bothered me...this is apart of life for twenty-somethings as you talk to various friends and are extremely frustrated by their decisions (both romantic and otherwise).

Then, I think the lack of character development after the disaster that is "The Project" comes to a close is - again - realistic. Young, twenty-somethings don't always learn any profound lesson after a particular experience concludes. Rather, it takes time and several more life experiences for a young twenty-something who is "finding themself" to really learn something and really discover who they are and that their destructive behavior is actually destructive.

I would not recommend the book to every reader, but I think people in the twenty-something age range would enjoy. I will definitely read Carter's next novel.