A review by halvy4
Minor Characters: A Beat Memoir by Joyce Johnson


Enjoyed this one for it's more down to Earth portrayal of the Beats and their art scene, a more sober, reflective view on them rather than the mad-dashing craziness of their own work during the time period. Reveals the Kerouac that you see in his works beyond all of the bluster and ambitions, a man scared of his own desires, afraid to sit still for longer than a few days, never satisfied, never content, a sad man terrified to open himself up in any real way while still maintaining some of his magnetism, his appeal, and his zeal for life. Johnson does a good job portraying all of this and his impact on her without bitterness but with honesty and tenderness. Most prominently focused on Johnson and her own escape from the confines of 1950s womanhood and the home she found in the Beats/New York, even though she was marginalized artistically and treated differently because she was a woman. Overall, a good read for a fan of the Beats to get another perspective other than the main players or for someone interested in womanhood/women in the arts of the time period.