A review by amberlina313
What Should Be Wild by Julia Fine


I don't usually write reviews for books. I don't have the talent as some on here. But I wanted to mention a few things for others possibly on the fence about reading this book.

It's enchanting in it's storytelling. She does a good job with the build up of the story. It was difficult to get into at first, I think because she wanted you to be inside of Maisie's head and to really set the tone for you to understand what it's like living in her world.

I didn't find the time shifts difficult, she heads them in a different font and writes in different perspective so it was easy for me to keep up with the women of the forest.

The only thing I had a difficult time placing was the way Maisie described everything. Likely due to the fact she was limited on what she had access to reading. I got confused a few times thinking it was set not in present time with her descriptions.

I really enjoyed Maisie's ability to take personal responsibility at a crucial point after meeting the girls at the river. She owned up to her actions and realized her mistakes and she learned from them.

I highly recommend this book for the lovers of magical realism (which I didn't think I'd enjoy, thanks to the author for this wonderful example!)

Hope this helps! :)