A review by onebookmore
Ancient Retribution by Katie Reus


Ancients Rising has quickly become one of my favorite paranormal romance series. I love the characters, the immersive world-building, the intrigue, the action, and the epic love stories. Ancient Retribution is Zephyr and Juniper’s story. Both Juniper and Zephyr have unique backstories, and I liked learning more about each of them. Juniper is part of an operative group that hunts dangerous and wanted paranormals, which is how her path crosses with Zephyr. When they start working together against an unknown enemy, Juniper and Zephyr can’t deny the attraction between them, but can Zephyr convince Juniper, who refuses to risk her heart to anyone, to take a chance on them?

Juniper and Zephyr are such fantastic characters! I love that Juniper is as much a warrior as Zephyr. She is a leader – strong, brave, and in control, and she is very much the alpha of her group. She is a total badass, and Zephyr admires her for it. Zephyr loves seeing her lead and has no problem following her orders, which is unusual considering he is a protective alpha warrior. I love that he has so much trust and faith in her and that he finds purpose when he’s with her and her team. On top of the mission they’re involved in, Juniper also learns more about her history and what happened to her when she was a child, and she is shocked by some of the revelations. Because of her past, Juniper isn’t interested in love and commitment, which proves difficult as her feelings for Zephyr strengthen. She goes through so much throughout the book, and her story is layered and interesting.

Zephyr’s story is really interesting too. New to this world, Zephyr doesn’t always feel like he fits in even though he has been reunited with his brothers. When he is with Juniper and her team, he finally gains a sense of belonging. Juniper and her team are a wonderful unit, and they are more like family than friends. I love how they bring Zephyr into their fold so easily. I think they see very quickly that Zephyr is a strong, capable, and honorable man, and he is a major asset to their team.

There are many amazing relationships explored in this book – friendships, family bonds, new and old allies, budding romances, and more. Of course, Juniper and Zephyr’s love story is my favorite. Juniper and Zephyr have amazing chemistry from the beginning, and even though Juniper resists her feelings, their connection is undeniable. They are a fantastic team, and there is so much sexual tension between them, you can cut it with a knife. The looks they give each other and the sizzling heat between the two belie the conflicted feelings and fear of anything but a casual fling. I think they’re one of my favorite couples of the series!

Like the other books, this story introduces some new characters while spotlighting others that we’ve seen in previous books. All of the characters are dynamic and layered, and their stories are so interesting. I like that we get to see how relationships from the first four books are progressing, whether other pairs end up together, and if a few will finally reveal their true feelings. And Juniper’s special ops group is amazing! I hope we get some of their stories in future books because I’m really interested in learning more about each of them. I also want to learn more about Juniper’s family, as well as King’s family. The introduction of several different realms opens up so many unique and intriguing possibilities, and I’m excited to see more of them. I think that’s part of the awesomeness that is this series – each book has a great conclusion, but I am always eager to learn more about the characters, the overarching plot, and the ever-changing and growing world.

King’s territory is the main setting of the story and series, and if I ever had to live in a paranormal world, I would choose this one! Along with the swoon-tastic shifters, there are super adorable baby dragons! I so need a baby dragon like these!! They are the best – fun and sweet and fierce! I also love King’s vision for his territory and this new world where humans and supernaturals coexist. He has lofty goals, but he is determined to create a safe, equitable, and better place for everyone. It’s such a fascinating world, and I love how Reus continues to expand upon it and detail it as the series progresses.

Like its predecessors, Ancient Retribution is fast-paced, action-packed, and filled with swoon-worthy romances. I would definitely recommend it to lovers of paranormal romance, and I’m so thankful to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.