A review by abbier_14
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson


hmmm i can appreciate how clever this book was and how much the author must have thought about the plot as there was a lot of intertwinings and stuff like that.
However because the plot was quite complicated it left for a lot of description, which left the book being wayy longer than it should of been. My attention was getting significantly lower as this book went on so it took me 13 days to read oof.
I think this book does a lot of telling and not showing as most of the big reveals at the end could not have been concluded as a reader from what we already knew, to me it felt like at the end the protaganist just became omniscient and suddenly knew the details about everything that had happened in the last 35 years. So that was a little disapointing
Not bad enough to be two stars but this book is just alright im not blown away at all
im glad ernest and juliette got together in the end though as that was the only thing that was keeping me going