A review by pawswithabook
How to Live When You Could Be Dead by Deborah James

challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


‘It’s how we react to the things on our journey that makes or breaks us’

I know a lot of people feel a little tentative about picking up this book, worrying that it is going to be heart-breakingly sad…and nothing could be further from the truth. I cannot even comprehend how Dame Deborah James could’ve written SUCH a positive book at what must’ve been such a frightening time, but she never did fail to amaze did she!?!

Each chapter begins with a quote, each quote perfectly fitting for the words ahead. The style is conversational, light, and effortlessly flows. It is easy to read with easily digestible thoughts and quick to implement ideas.

This book isn’t a book about blind hope, it is about working hard. It is about not sitting expectantly for positive experiences to happen without putting the effort in. It is absolutely about the #rebellioushope we have come to associate with Dame Deborah, but it gives you a kick into action to drive the change that you hope to make. ‘It’s about being the force that makes the change’.

This isn’t a book about death, it is a book that applies to living. It isn’t a book about living each day as if it was your last, but a book about making the most of what you are given, whatever that is and however long you have. It is about embracing failures as learnings. 

With the exception of the letters Dame Deborah writes to her family at the end (which honestly do come with a warning…they will break your heart), the sadness associated with this book is not from the content, but the knowledge that the positive force behind it is no longer with us. Honestly, you can’t escape that heart-wrenching feeling when you finish the book, but please don’t let that put you off reading one of the most positive and impactful books I’ve read in a long time! It really is THAT good!