A review by laurenjodi
Secret Desires of a Gentleman by Laura Lee Guhrke


Secret Desire of a Gentleman
5 Stars

Laura Lee Guhrke is either hit or miss for me. The previous book in this series is a total dud - See my 1 Star review here. Thankfully, this one is a huge improvement and is my favorite work of hers to date.

Maria and Phillip's romance is a charming and original retelling of two classic pieces, Sabrina and Pride and Prejudice. Phillip epitomizes the arrogance and superiority of Mr. Darcy and the staid respectability of Linus Larrabee. He is shocked and appalled at his reactions to Maria and it is fun watching his control evaporate with each and every conversation. Likewise, Maria has the intelligence and wit of Lizzie Bennet together with Sabrina's charm and adventurous spirit. Her ability to stand her ground with Phillip and outmaneuver him at every turn is a highlight of the story.

The back story revolving around Maria and Phillip's relationship as children and later as adolescents is skillfully woven into the narrative and adds an extra layer of intimacy to the romance. They two share intense chemistry that builds slowly and surely throughout the book.

Guhrke also incorporates several more modern elements within the series in general and in this book in particular. Set just before the turn of the century, the notion of women entering the workforce with all of the associated difficulties is plausible although the disparity in social classes between the heroes and heroines is more difficult to believe. Nevertheless, Guhrke makes is easy to suspend disbelief in this regard due to the intensity of the romance.

Overall, a very enjoyable read and I look forward to the final book in the series.