A review by michyoung
Big Bad by Lily Anderson


When I found out about this book, I absolutely couldn’t wait to read it. I’ve read a number of other Buffy-verse novels recently, but this was the first one I’d come across that was advertised as more adult than teen and I was excited to see how it would be different.

“Big Bad” is set in an alternate universe where the Mayor put a sun shade up over Sunnydale, making it a haven for vampires and demons, and the town was renamed Demondale. This was a really fun concept for the book and it was great to see so many characters reimagined in this new world.

This book was definitely written for Buffy fans. Someone new to the series might enjoy it as well, but there are so many fun character cameos that just wouldn’t land the same way if you’re not already familiar with them. But as a die-hard Buffy fan, I was in love!! Anderson does such a great job of nailing the tone and characters from the show throughout the book. Anya especially is FANTASTIC! She was definitely one of my favourite characters in the show and to have her as a main character in this book was delightful.

Anderson took some of the best characters and character moments from across the series and brought them together to happen in this book. We even get some references to the Buffy movie and the spin-off Angel.There were a few characters who didn’t make an appearance that I would’ve loved to see, but you can only pack so much into one book.

There was so much to love about “Big Bad”, and I would definitely recommend it!

*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.