A review by littlebookjockey
Surrender by Pamela Clare


I loved this! I've had a sample downloaded to my Kindle for so long but put off reading it because of the awful cover. It honestly looks like something out of one of my elementary school US history textbooks. But anyway, this was great. The characterizations were wonderful, and I liked them all (aside from the uncle and the dumb generals lol), even Wentworth. Iain was brilliant, and I enjoyed seeing Annie become stronger as the book went on. I'm not as knowledgeable on Native American cultures as I could be, but I think Clare did a good job with that, as well. Both Morgan and Connor were great, too, and I look forward to their books. The French and Indian War isn't covered in fiction as often as other American wars, so I appreciated the refresher. And the camaraderie and loyalty between the men is so sweet.

And...that's hot:

Iain stood in the middle of the road twenty paces before the carriage. Like a Highlander of old, he wore the MacKinnon plaid, his right shoulder bare, his claymore clasped powerfully in his right hand. The long hair at his temples was done in thick warrior’s braids, the rest hanging dark down his back. But the top half of his face was painted not in Gaelic blue but Indian vermilion, and Indian markings decorated his arms instead of armbands. (319)