A review by kourtneyalexis
No Going Back by Sheena Kamal


I am a complete sucker for a flawed, incredibly strong female lead, add a puppy side kick and there's no question of my excitement about a book. This book contains both of these amazing elements, but don't let my Achilles heel sway you, this book is amazing without those two pieces. Not having read the first two books, I have able to catch up and jump right into the story. It serves well as a stand alone.
Nora Watts, our sober, recovering alcoholic is trying to hunt down the man who kidnapped her daughter a year ago and who also put a hit out on her. WHAT?!?! So much excitement! Add in a transgendered bff, cyber genius, and a gay friend/boss, and a former lover who is also a recovering alcoholic who struggles with his feelings toward you.
Sheena Kamal weaves a fast paced entertaining ride. Some of her phrasing has me literally chuckling out loud. I'm not sure how this is my first experience with your writing, but it most certainly will not be my last.

A special thank you to NetGalley, William Morrow Paperbacks, and of course, Sheena Kamal for providing me with an ARC.