A review by littlepepperguy
Nuclear Family by Joseph Han


Overall, I liked it a lot. The ending is a little lack luster and idk how everything ended up great for them but it was a ride. 

I preferred the narration style of the prologue to the rest of the novel. But I get why they were done differently, so for the overall effect of having them differ, I'll concede. 

Essentially, this novel is an intense dissection of a families response to an incredibly distressing/confusing/supernatural event across the world from them involving their son (brother, etc.) trying to cross the DMZ in Korea. Which is like big no-no number 1. Especially prior to the peace agreements. It may feel unfocused to some  but I really appreciated the context and slice of life you get out of this. You def won't question how any characters felt throughout the book lol. 

I liked the supernatural element that allowed some historical context in and enabled a lot of emotions to seep into the book that the modern characters wouldn't be as viscerally connected to.