A review by romankurys
The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan


Awesome series so far. This book is no different. Lots of build up, lots of stuff going on and lots left to happen as I get ready to delve into book 4.

I’m still daunted by the fact that there are 13 or 14 “1000 page times” in the Wheel of Time, which would make it the longest series I’ve ever read, but with that comes a sense of “real-ness” unlike any other.

By book 3 it is beginning to feel like this world is indeed real. Like the characters are my friends I’ve known for awhile, maybe even one of them myself at times. *cough Mat *cough

As always, I love reading other readers comments and see how widely it ranges from love to boredom and truth be told, I see both sides of the spectrum. It is really a matter of what one is looking for when picking up a book. And, if anything, these various reviews show that everyone is looking for something different.

I’ve read a few that praise the writing and the details and I’ve read a few that think Jordan’s writing is terrible. I’ve read a few that are impressed with how much is packed in each book and a few that are upset that nothing really happens. It’s quite amusing to read.

Truth be told I see both sides of the coin. Does this book have action sequences, yeah! Does this book have heavy descriptive parts? Yeah! Does it have sections of purple prize? Heck yeah! Thats what is so awesome about it to me. In one book I get everything: highs and lows, battles and moments of relaxation, heavy descriptions and lots left to imagination...

Nothing and Everything.

Strap in. Get ready for a fun ride. Expect nothing and everything. Don’t guess. Don’t fret. Just let the flow of events take you where it will, just like real life does...the wheel weaves as the wheel wills :)
