A review by brandypainter
The Shadow Hunt by Katherine Langrish


Review originally posted here.

The Shadow Hunt is exactly my kind of book, good historical fiction with fantasy woven seamlessly into the story, reminiscent of The Perilous Gard (my review) and The Coming of the Dragon (my review). The historical setting of the book is excellently portrayed. The dirt, grime, drudgery, and dynamics of medieval life are truthfully displayed. The fantasy elements come from Anglo-Welsh folklore and include a hearth hob, a well spirit, and the elfkind (or fay). I loved how Langrish demonstrated through this the tension between (and combining of) the old folklore and the newer Christianity that was very prevalent during this period. I also appreciated how both traditions had strengths and weaknesses, good and evil in them.

The characters in the book were easy to love, even the flawed ones. Wolf and Nest are both wonderful protagonist who captured my sympathy and had me rooting for them all the way. The young child, Elfgift, who Wolf rescued is endearing despite her inability to talk. All the residents of the castle were vividly portrayed. While I was reading I really felt like I was in their world with them. My only quibble is that there were two rather stereotypical villains. As these two are not the main opposing force in the story it is only a very minor quibble.

The conflict of the story is one that I found interesting. The evil is active and very real, but at the same time the evil (and good) present in human nature is also a force they must reckon with.

My library has this shelved with the Teen books. I would classify this as more of a middle grade level novel, but one that can be enjoyed by a person of any age who enjoys good historical fantasy. I will certainly be reading more of Ms. Langrish's work in the future.