A review by bodebeabay
Her Secret Agent by Paige Tyler


[b:Her Secret Agent|22849432|Her Secret Agent (X-Ops, #0.5)|Paige Tyler|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1406900053l/22849432._SY75_.jpg|42411354] by [a:Paige Tyler|2300692|Paige Tyler|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1534952648p2/2300692.jpg]
Genres: Adult, Crime, Paranormal, Romance.
3 Solid Stars

The story has a decent flow and I didn't find any editing errors of any kind.

It definitely has me interested in the series, but.... It needed more intensity and there were several areas where that could have happened.

I know 95 pages is short, but I have read shorter that had me more connected to the main characters and the world they live in.

Bottom lineā¤µ
I liked it but didn't love it and feel the author could have done a better job.
I will be continuing to the next book in the series before I make a final decision about the series.