A review by anjanavasan
Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse


Rockoholic has been on my to-read list for months and I have to say, the new cover is hot!

Jody's a groupie but she's specifically obsessed with the frontman of her favourite band - The Regulators - Jackson Gatlin.
After a bad night at one of The Regulator's concerts, Jody ends up accidentally, um, kidnapping their lead singer, Jackson. This leads her on an insane, downward spiralling adventure and she drags her best friend Mac (who's a guy) down with her.

This book was entertaining from start to finish! Sure, it was far-fetched at times but entertaining through and through. I'm a sucker for rockstar romance but I was sadly let down in that area by this book. However, I found Mac and Jody's relationship adorable! I still don't understand how she assumed he wasn't straight but oh well.

Overall a quick, light and fun read!