A review by mandalor3960
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy


There remains so much to be said of of War and Peace that not even a simple review can encompass its entirety. War and Peace remains a must-read classic novel that details everything so clearly and uniquely that one becomes intoxicated with the Russian atmosphere. Parts of the book are long and dull sometimes as a result of Tolstoy's exemplary usage of detail. These parts can be ascribed to the war periods, chiefly the latter half of volumes one and three and the entirety of volume four. The peace periods provide a deeper look at the culture and society in Russia at the time and the epilogue serves to create peaceful closure to the book.

Rating Update 3/12/2019 - 5 to 4 stars. Because I found the majority of it boring, and only enjoyed the atmosphere of the book, as well as the physical style of my book, it doesn't deserve 5 stars and might deserve close to 3, and without the things I previously mentioned that I liked, would deserve 2.

Rating Update 3/14/2019 - 4 to 3 stars. It took me 10 months to read. Just thinking of picking this book up again to read makes me dreary. Tolstoy's writing style has made a great impression on me and I can't lower my rating below 3.

Rating Update 4/9/19- 3 stars to 2 stars. Tolstoy's lengthy writing style kills it for me and there are few scenes and characters that I would wish to read about again. Having read a synopsis of the book, I recall being bored with most of it, especially the balls and social lifestyle of the characters, instead invested in the little time devoted to Andrei's nihilistic thinking and his sister, Marie's personality. I did root a bit for Pierre but everything was just a meh.

Rating Update 31 May 2019
Two stars to one star.
Too much of the book was boring content that I had to force myself to read.

Rating Update 10 June 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a two star rating is befitting. The original review and subsequent updates provide explanations on the majority of the book being boring but there was three and four star content at certain points. A one star rating for the novel is too harsh but a two star rating more accurately takes into account the three and four star content.