A review by authorkimberlyquay
Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It! by Kris Carr


As a breast cancer survivor and smart-ass I love Kris Carr and her writing style. She has what I find is lacking in a lot of people nowadays: a sense of humor! She remains light and funny and positive in the face of cancer. I find her refreshing, this book has helped me and I've never felt better in my life. Energetic, happy, bouncy, crazy and sexy, all things I wanted but found hard to get, now I have them! Becoming vegan is a lifestyle, not a fad diet. It's not eating the 'same way' forever as there are soooo very very many yummy recipes and foods you can eat! Take it from a former cheeseburger & fries girl, it is possible and it feels wonderful. I went vegetarian 2 years ago after seeing Food, Inc. So this was a moral choice as well as a health choice. Love the book and the author!