A review by aaronlindsey
Video Nasties by Duncan Ralston


This collection is a blast of retro-video-horror craziness! My only experience with Duncan Ralston before this is when I DNF'd Woom. It just wasn't my thing. But this one ... this one is right down my alley.
Most of the stories read like dusty old video shelf favorites from the 80's. My favorites from this collection:
HOW TO KILL A CELEBRITY - Where a young reporter gets a job writing celebrity obits and realizes she's not cut out for the stress....
THE EYE AT THE DOOR - A PR guy with stomach issues is relieved...but only for a second.
VIDEO NASTIES - The title story that closes the collection is more fun than a box of rare video tapes.
Also, He Is Risen reads exactly like an old Hammer Film from the 70's! Except for the Spinal Tap reference, that is.