A review by kelleemoye
Personal Effects by E. M. Kokie


I just love that feeling of reading a really superb book. One that has it all- story, characterization, theme, grippingness, relevance, etc. etc. etc. It is very similar to eating a perfect meal, but this give you satisfaction in your body, heart and soul. To someone who has never experienced this feeling unless they have read some of those great books out there. I'll never forget the first time I got this feeling- The Giver. 7th grade. I've been lucky to experience this feeling often in the last 18 years and this was again one of those times. From the beginning, I wanted to know Matt. I wanted to know his secrets and the reason he hurt so much. I wanted to protect him and save him. And I was so glad to be able to go on this journey with him. I also really enjoyed the cast of characters the supported Matt- Shauna, TJ, Curtis... I actually left the novel with more of a sorrow for Curtis than for Matt.

It is hard for me to sit here and share with you the emotions you feel as you read this book. You'll feel anger, sadness, sorrow, grief, but also an underlined joy at the end. Kokie has captured these emotions in a book and throws them at you throughout.

My only criticism is Matt's parents. Their inclusion seemed hollow and stereotypical and I wish I understood them more. It is such a source for so much that runs Matt that I wish there was more of a back story (prequel?).

This book will be a great book for discussions and deals with some heavy issues that are never more relevant than they are today.

"After I've folded myself into the chair next to her desk, she hands me a large plastic cup of water. The first tentative sip slides around my mouth. Relief, cold and clean and so good. Maybe the best-tasting water I've ever had. I take small sips, swirling it around my tongue each time before swallowing, just to savor it." (p. 17) [The rest of this page to 18 is all very good]