A review by book_nerd_1990
Shadows of Swanford Abbey by Julie Klassen


Be prepared to be transported to 1820 England, where men rule all and a woman's lot in life is to be a housewife. I loved Lady Fitzhoward, the way she so bluntly says what's on her mind made me giggle. I found Rebecca to be curious to me, I couldn't quite work her out until the end. But, I did like her relationship with Frederick, how can you not like childhood crushes?

I liked the drips of the characters backgrounds amongst the story, as well as the history of the Abbey. The writing and characters voices are resemblant of the time period which makes it more authentic. I also have to say that I loved all the different voices, the way each person spoke showed their upbringing and really brought each one to life.

My favourite quote: "Reasons of family loyalty and the desire to protect those you love."