A review by fullmooneaters
Along the River of Flesh by Kristopher Triana


Triana does it again. Everyone, this is how you make a sequel. The prose, *chef’s kiss*, I mean, I actually feel like I’m floating down a river when I read these books. It’s so beautiful, everything flows, just like the river. I mean, seriously, this was a cracking sequel. And I normally nitpick the hell out of sequels, but this was something else. This is what all sequels should be. No nuance, nothing fancy added for fluff or extra surprise or shock, just a continuous flow of the first story into the second. Triana hit it out of the park again. I liked all the little Easter eggs from the first story, but nothing too overdone so that it felt like a continuation, not a copy or overkilled version of the first. And damn, those encounters with The River Man get me every time. Just the right amount of mystique in my opinion. The atmosphere of the town, the hesitancy of the people, the allure and mystery behind it all, what more could a girl ask for?

I read this is one sitting, that’s how brilliant it was.

When I say this is a perfect sequel, I mean it. Authors, filmmakers, creatives of every type, please take notes, this one is going to be tough to beat.