A review by thejoyofbooking
Carry the One by Carol Anshaw


Carry the One is the sweeping, heartbreaking tale of a tragic moment and the pall it casts over the lives of those involved. The ensemble cast of characters alternately forge confidently ahead or flounder into their futures, reacting to the accident in their own individual way.

More than being about this pivotal moment, Carry the One can also be read as a story about what happens to us as we age – as we achieve or fail to achieve the lives we hoped to be living. Do we change or does the world change around us? What happens when we get everything we want, and it doesn’t fill the void within us? While Carry the One‘s characters are answering these questions through the lens of the death they inadvertently caused in their twenties, the answers they find can be enlightening to those of us who don’t have such regrettable moments in our past. The lessons they learn about love, loss, and life are valuable to the reader no matter what.

Carry the One absolutely swept me up from the first page, and I finished it in a single sitting. Then I fell asleep and dreamed of the characters in all their fully-faceted beauty. It’s a story that will stay with me for a long time.