A review by bookishreverie
Break Me by Meagan Brandy


I don't even know how to describe the level of epic that this book took me to. This is the final book in the Boys of Brayshaw High series and while I am SO SAD this series is over, I cannot think of a better way to end it than Break Me. Brandy gave us so much in this book that it would be impossible to ask her for more (although that epilogue makes me want to!).

Royce is the last of the Brayshaw boys to find his love and it was worth the wait. His story tore me apart and put me back together again so many times as I was reading it. Royce in this book is everything you would expect - cocky, brash, alpha, vulgar - but then you get to see the side of him that really only his family has seen before. He is sweet...and caring....and may very well have the biggest hear among the Brayshaw boys.

Taking all of the above into consideration means that the only answer to Royce was Brielle. Let me tell you: I was not prepared for her. She is feisty and strong willed, she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it. Brielle's most amazing quality though is her resilience. She refuses to take less than she deserves, but she does it through kindness and understanding instead of with her fists or angry words like the rest of the Brayshaw crew seems adept at doing.

The love that you see with these two and how well a new member of family fits in with this crew made my heart swell. These characters always have each others backs in whatever they need. I think my favorite part of their dynamics though is that they realize sometimes having the back of their brother or sister means having someone else's back instead. I saw that is Be My Brayshaw with Captain and Royce and we got to see the flip side of that here with them as well.

This was an absolutely perfect conclusion to this series. It touched on the high and low points of the other stories, gave background without being too overbearing with the, and rounded out ALL of the characters stories with Royce and Brielle's. That is a tall order to make with these strong characters and Brandy did it so well.

The Boys of Brayshaw High series is highly recommended by me to anyone that will listen and I will keep shouting that as loud as I can. This series has ranked as some of my top books of all time and I am so happy with this ending.