A review by kblincoln
Pushed by Corrine Jackson


Hmm....not sure why I liked the first book in the series so much (since I read it so long ago) that I hung on to finding this book and reading it, too.

So it's got great San Francisco location treats as some action happens in the Presidio, Pacifica, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, etc. And there's still the romanti-crack relationship between older-stronger Asher and younger-but-powerful Remy (now with added love triangle bonus!).

Remy is definitely more powerful and active and making decisions in this book. She comes into both her powers as a Healer and Protector (see first book for plot explanations, this one isn't really worth your while unless you read the first book and liked it) ends up being able to rush in and save others, which is great. But meanwhile, she's completely oblivious to both how people around her want to use her, and who exactly is trustworthy.

There's also quite a lot of dithering/build up over the fact that Remy and Asher can't touch without both containing their respective powers (although he can always read her mind, awkward!) but then Remy ends up being a "special snowflake" Healer and it seems like all that build up might not be necessary after all. Color me unsure about why they're so afraid of other Protectors....but then end up being able to handle them quite easily.

The love triangle complication that develops at the end saves the book, in my opinion. So deliciously angsty to have boy2 being able to read the mind of his love who is constantly comparing him to boy1. Love that.

I started skimming about 2/3's of the way through the book because there was too much summarizing of time and worrying about dangers that never really materialized as truly dangerous and not enough time dwelling on angsty-ironic-emotional relationships, but it's still a quite fine YA read that has kissing and nothing else so safe for the younger YA set.