A review by mayar_reading_stuff
Femlandia by Christina Dalcher



I read this instead of studying. I wish I'd spent that time studying. That's how bad this book is.

Witness one woman explaining the horrors of feminism in the most "all lives matter"-y way possible. Miranda, a trad wife who barely has a degree but is still qualified enough for animal research, is escaping the end of the world as we know it.

Why is the world ending? Because of an economical crash because her country "couldn't stop helping any country with a sob story."... Damn, took her 3 pages to become a very unlikeable protagonist.

Anyway, after rescuing hr her daughter from an attack, she decides to go to a commune that her mother built for women. Miranda hates her mother because her mother is a misandrist, and she also doesn't have any female friends because they just don't get it.

Not everybody wants a life where they have to work and educate themselves and not rush into having kids, some people just want to live the good traditional life. Except she wasn't really rich and she lived a comfy life until her husband sank in debt because he wasn't actually rich.

But he's a good man. Men are not evil, you're just a misandrist.

She is astounded that the ladies at Femlandia, the commune her mom built, don't read men's works. Imagine not reading something by mr. Rudyard "White Man's Burden" Kipling. Oh the horror.

She then discovers that the women are the true villains of the story and goes on so many tangents about how we're all humans and men aren't all bad if you just give them a chance and all that.

This book is super toxic. Aside from me hating it's white savior-y rhetoric, it's basically an 11-hour explaination of why feminism is bad and how women are just exclusionary and mean (there's a paragraph about how you need to have been always a woman to enter Femlandia, but there's no real nuance in it, just another example of how feminism is mean).

I don't think the book was exciting enough for me to ignore the message and focus on the plot. As for the message, I couldn't write enough about how toxic it was.

Imagine telling woemn that anyone who tells you you're being oppressed and that you deserve to have more power and 100% autonomy is basically a cult leader luring you in. Why would anyone want to sned that sort of message?

I've read all of Dalcher's novels. I liked the first one so much it's even on my favorites' shelf. I'm so unhappy about reading this and I don't think I would read more of what she puts out.