A review by meghapatel
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher


"In the end everything matters"

Everyone needs to read this book. The message is so powerful yet tragic. The story telling is so beautiful and heart wrenching, it's told in such a unique and wonderful way. Once I picked this book up I could not put it down. I literally finished it in one sitting.

I know there are many mixed opinion on this book but I can’t help but love it. I also know that it’s not the best book out there on such heavy topic but it was still pretty good. It was so interesting to see how suicide impacts to those around you. I always knew that suicide is not a singular action but this book really helps you see that.

"Everything...affects everything"

Some might say Hannah’s reasons for suicide were not “good enough” but that’s not the point. What I see is how she thought her life could have been if all those horrible rumors hadn’t taken place to begin with. It drove her to the point of wanting to quit and finding for a reason to do so. It is like a domino effect, one rumor set every action in motion.

This book will definitely make you reevaluate your life. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. See how your actions, small or big, makes a difference in your life and others.

I highly recommend everyone to read this book, but be prepared to get your heart broken into tiny pieces. I definitely won’t be able to stop thinking about this story anytime soon.

Now I’m off to binge watch the show!

"Put me underneath God’s sky and
know me
don’t just see me with your eyes
Take away
this mask of flesh and bone and
see me
for my soul