A review by romanjones
Big Game by Mark Millar


Gotta hand it to Mark Millar because he actually pulled it off. This miniseries was a satisfying culmination and conclusion to the universe he’s been building for the past twenty years across all his comic book properties. This is Millar’s Avengers: Endgame, with a suitably big bombastic Endgame-style battle in the final issue for the fate of everything. I’ve previously been critical of a lot of Millar’s work, but I really enjoyed this.

There’s a ton of fan service and callbacks to previous stories. Even a huge payoff moment for a major character, the one who in a way started all this mess. Millar manages to incorporate a reference or character from every single one of his books into this 5-issue miniseries. Some parts work better than others. For example, the inclusion of the Ambassadors, Edison Crane, or the Chrononauts felt more natural whereas bringing in Sharky the Bounty Hunter or the Space Bandits felt more like forced cameos.

I read this event issue to issue as it came out, and at the time of writing this, issue 5 just dropped today. I look forward to rereading this. Highly recommend if you like the Millarworld titles.