A review by booksuperpower
A Most Unsuitable Match by Julia Justiss


A Most Unsuitable Match by Julia Justiss is a 2018 Mill & Boon / Harlequin Historical Romance publication.

Poor Prudence. She and her twin sister have never had a ‘season’ for one reason or another. But, it looks like this might finally be their year to enter society-


The girls’ mother creates yet another scandal, thwarting their plans once again.

Fleeing to Bath, Prudence hopes to meet a man who will give her the social status and respect she needs. All she wants is to live a quiet life away from scandal and have a family of her own. However, the man she finds attractive, kind and honorable, also boasts a less than stellar reputation, which simply will not do. So, Prudence accepts the attentions of a clergyman, although his motives are a bit suspicious.

Lieutenant Johnnie Trethwell has returned home after many adventures to recover from a combat injury. He needs money, but his only hope is to marry a woman with a generous dowry. When he meets the lovely Prudence, he is quite smitten, and she would certainly provide him with the coin he needs. However, However, his own tainted reputation and desire to continue living an adventurous life, makes them incompatible. But, that doesn’t stop him from assisting Prudence’s entry into society, or guarding her virtue, or protecting her from mistreatment and vicious gossip. However, the more he learns about her seemingly legitimate prospects, the more he worries about Prudence’s future happiness.

This sweet story has a nice ‘opposites attract’ theme, as Prudence wishes for a quiet life and Johnnie is hoping to live a life full of adventure.

It is so often the case that those who appear scandalous are in fact the most honorable and true, while those who appear respectable could be hiding far worse sins. Although most of us are not under the extreme pressure to adhere to society’s pressures, in contemporary times, the weight of which felt heavy and palpable for Prudence, we still judge people unfairly, assume guilt by association, and hold women to a different standard than men.

I enjoyed the way the romance developed. While Pru and Johnnie are attracted to each other right from the start, they first forge a solid, respectful friendship, getting to know each other, and falling deeply in love in the process. I loved how each of them got what they wanted- making concessions in order to build a wonderful life together.

This is a sweeter romance without a lot of steamy sexual content, but the depth truly shines, as do the gentle messages within the pages.

Overall, this is another fantastic effort by Julia Justiss. 4 stars