A review by leo_the_first
Impulse by Steven Gould


The perfect sequel to Reflex!

This review was written with the assumption that readers have read the first two books in the series. I will not be treating the events in Jumper and Reflex as spoilers.

After the events of the previous book, Davy develops PTSD. He is paranoid that they are still after him and his family.

Having had a reclusive life as a child and throughout most of her adolescence, Cent, Davy, and Millie's daughter, now 16, wants to go to an actual school, meet actual people her age. She, more than most, has problems navigating the life of a high-schooler, quickly grabbing the attention and spite of the school's tough girl, Caffeine. As if that wasn't enough trouble, she also has to keep her family's ability a secret.

This book is different from the first two in the series in many aspects, however, if you loved the first two books this one will not disappoint. It will also make you eager to read Exo (book 4 in the series)!