A review by teenykins
Wolfsong by TJ Klune


Story: 5 stars
Narration: 5 stars

I'm glad that I gave this series another chance, because at the time I first tried it, it didn't work for me. Also I'm an impatient person when reading, so it was hard to go past Ox and Joe being kids, Ox having a gf and then sleeping around with guys while poor Joe was just dying a bit because he was a minor and Ox had no clue about werewolves and mates. Anyways... audiobooks in cases like that, for me, are a savior.

So here I was preordering the "new version" of this and diving right in at work. AND PEOPLE WOULDN'T STOP BOTHERING ME!!! People I'm in this story that I don't want to let go off and you are in the way of me listening to it!!!

Kirt Graves was EPICALLY AMAZING!!!

As for the story... better reviews than I could write have already been written! Just prepare yourself for a whole range of feelings and emotions to hit you. You'll cry, you'll laugh, you'll be hurt, you'll be frustrated, you'll be so invested the story will become a part of you! So try this even if you have tried TJ Klune before and he wasn't your cup of tea (like it was for me).