A review by libralita
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson


Reread Review Link: http://sevendemigodsanswerthecall.tumblr.com/post/158941870099/reread-review

TBR Jar Challenge: Read a book you meant to last year but didn't

Okay so this book took me months to finish because I was busy with school and just not in the mood. Holy crap was it wild ride.

This book is really hard to review because it was just such an experience…half of the book was just full of dread and misery, that’s probably why it was so hard for me to get through. Then the other half was just strangeness. Watching Vin take the powers of mist then because Preservation, then Elend dying, then Vin and Ruin dying and then Sazed becoming god, restoring the world. It strange and really nothing like I’ve read before. I do have a few comments that I’ll leave below but other than that…it’s just an experience and I desperately need the next books.

“This is actually what happened to Rashek, I believe. He pushed too hard. He tried to burn away the mist by moving the planet closer to the sun, but he moved it too far, making the world far too hot for the people who inhabited it.
The ashmounts were his solution to this. He had learned that shoving a planet around required too much precision, so instead he caused the mountains to erupt, spewing ash and smoke into the air. The thicker atmosphere made the world cooler, and turned the sun red.”—page 34

So what you’re telling me is the Lord Ruler used the power from the Well of Ascension to move the earth closer to the sun? Thus making it too hot so he erupted volcanoes so that the thicker atmosphere would so that it would be habitable. Thus making the sun red. I would have not thought of that…a very creative solution.

Poor Sazed is really sad because he’s lost faith and so he’s trying to find the right religion.

“Breeze didn’t respond at first. ‘It still hurts, does it?’ he asked.
That man is far too good at understanding the emotions of others, Sazed thought. ‘Yes,’ he finally whispered.
‘It will stop,’ Breeze said. ‘Eventually.’
Will it? Sazed thought, looking away.”—page 40

OH MY BABY SAZED IS SO SAD! AND BREEZE IS TRYING TO HELP! AND HE HASN’T WORN HIS COPPERMIND IN A YEAR? SAZED BABY! Just any time there’s a Sazed scene of him trying to find the right religion just insert me saying how he’s so sad.

“They had given TenSoon no clothing. So, as they walked, he dissolved his genitals, and re-formed a smooth crotch, as was common among the kandra.”—page 67


Holy shit, Vin, Elend and Fatren just forcing the skaa to stand outside in the mists and is Vin going to make a Koloss friend?

“‘Call a meeting this evening, Demoux,’ Elend said. ‘We have much to discuss—and let me know when Sazed arrives.’
‘Should I inform Lord Hammond and the others of the meeting’s agenda, my lord?’
Elend paused, glancing toward the ashen sky. ‘Conquering the world, Demoux’”—page 79

A simple task.

So Vin is the kandra’s mom. Weird.

“‘I could come with you,’ Elend offered.
She smiled, then kissed him. ‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘But you’re noisy.’
‘Come now. I’m not that bad.’
‘Yes you are,’ Vin said. ‘Plus, you smell.’
‘Oh?’ he asked, amused. ‘What do I smell like?’
‘An emperor. A Tineye would pick you out in seconds.’”—page 212

Aw, they’re so cute.

I like Slowswift, he seems cool.

“‘It’s a mystery,’ Vin said, narrowing her eyes and smiling. ‘We Mistborn are incredibly mysterious.’
Elend paused. ‘Um…I’m Mistborn too, Vin. That doesn’t make any sense.’
‘We Mistborn need not make sense,’ Vin said. ‘It’s beneath us.’”—page 258

I love Vin.

“‘I was trained by a surly Mistborn, a sarcastic Terrisman and a group of disrespectful thieves,’ Elend said, sighing. ‘Plus, on top of that, I was a fairly insufferable person to begin with. But, kindly continue with your insult—I didn’t mean to interrupt.’”—page 284

Dammit, I love Elend and he’s a little shit. He brought got a book from the library, asked Vin to dance and then started reading while they were dancing. He is my spirit animal, I love him so much.

I didn’t even think that the Koloss would be made from humans and uses Hermalurgy to make them.

“I will kill you, the words said. Death, death, death.
‘Well…that’s pleasant,’”—Page 495

I am Elend.

So the mist spirit was Preservation, interesting.

The lord ruler’s advice is just “I dunno, I failed.”

So the Lord Ruler’s friends were turned into kandra…odd.

The mistsickness turns you into allomancers.

Moral of the story: never pierce your ears.

Vin’s sister was a seeker and the earring gave her the ability to pierce copper clouds. I kind of predicted that the earring was the reason she couldn’t use the mists like before however I didn’t really put it together that it was like being pierced with metal.

So Vin turned into preservation.

TenSoon died, which is so depressing because he was my favorite character.

Oop, there goes Elend.

Now Vin’s dead and so is the person who was Ruin.

And now Sazed is a god.

Now everything is back to the way it should with blue skies and green grass. Wonderful!