A review by jugglingpup
Until You by TJ Klune


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So this is book three in a series that I started reading because I was given the first book and all of my favorite reviewers seem to LOVE this author. So I had to keep going, despite the second book in the series being eh to me. This book goes back to being from Paul’s perspective which I was more than thankful for. Paul had me crying and wheezing from laughing so hard in the first book, I couldn’t wait to get back to him.

I was a bit let down from this book. It isn’t as funny as the first book. I wasn’t crying or wheezing at any point in this book, but there were some nice feelings. Paul seems much more tame in this book, which is good and bad. This would be a better read for someone who thought the first book was too out there, but it just felt like it was so much less than the first book. I still adore Paul and his perspective though. There is something just ridiculously likable about him for me.

Corey/Kori played a larger role in this book, which I am all for. I can’t wait for the next book which is supposed to be from their perspective. I can’t wait to see what happens. Another major side character played a bigger role in this book to, which I was surprised about. Charlie made more of an appearance, well he was on page less than in the second book, but his interactions were more about his character and less about moving the plot along. CHARLIE MET SOMEONE. I would read a book from his perspective and be happy. I would love to read about the cranky old man who cares for all these wild characters. He clearly has a heart of gold and I just love everything about him. I also love how everyone just calls him Daddy at this point. I have a feeling he will be more involved in the fourth book considering who Corey/Kori seemed to be pointed towards near the end.

Just overall, this book was ok. I liked all the cute feelings from Paul and Vince. The only sex scene I remember was a blowjob in an office supply closet, so that was different. There was humor in it which was amusing to me, but it felt pretty over the top in that annoying way instead of the funny way. I also couldn’t really picture Paul being into the way it went down, it just didn’t read as Paul for me. So while I enjoy some awkward dirty talking and public place shenanigans, it just didn’t read well for me. The way it started was pretty amusing and I have to hand it for Helena being a bad influence consistently, even when she is trying to help.