A review by nikkisbooknook
Gray by Milly Taiden


Skylar is a newlyretired model, fed up of being size skeleton and she is going to embrace carbs from now on! On the journey home she is sat next a major hottie. He's not her usual type, he is very Geek but something about him calls to her inner Lioness and before you know it they are inducting themselves into the Mile High Club!

Gray comes from old money, the kind with billions not millions. He is never happier than when he is tinkering inhis lab. And whilt he isn't a vastly experienced male, he reads a LOT of books and he knows exactly how to please a woman!

When fate conpires to bring them together again, this time Skylar is supposed to protect his body not feel him up! His invention has caught the attention of some unsavoury types and they are determined to get their hands on it.

Poor Skylar. She wants Gray so badly but is scared that her Lionness will lose control and hurt him, after all he is human. I feel for Skylar and her love of carbs - give me bread or pizza and I'm a happy camper. Greay calls to my nerdy, geeky, little self and I'm so happy that the geek gets the girl!