A review by stephibabes
Women Talking by Miriam Toews


This book is a fascinating account of women coming together to collectively agree how to react to the abuse they, and their children, have experienced for years at the hands of the men in their community. It is told through the eyes of a man who is deemed safe to transcribe for them.

In the aftermath of the horrific attacks this story focusing on their discussion of what to do, it utterly compelling. I felt I knew what I would do in their position, but it is made muddy by their lives of isolation from the wider world and their religious beliefs that could lead to more conservative choices. Their discussions are so vividly told, I felt I was there with them.

The love story woven throughout and the position of our narrator having been previously ex-communicated is quite a heart wrenching side story within this. I really enjoyed this book.

I borrowed this audiobook from my local library. Support your local library!