A review by sarah_moynihan
For Love or Honor by Sarah M. Eden


Marjie and Stanley felt an instant connection upon meeting during a Christmas gathering at the home of fellow friends when Stanley was sent home from the war front due to a wounded shoulder. There is a mutual connection and an understanding between the two, but he is soon called back to resume his duties in the war.

Marjie has been faithfully writing him letters since their parting, hoping for some sort of sign that he returns her feelings and for proof that he is still alive and well. After six harrowing months, Stanley is sent home again to recover his health. All the while knowing that he will be required to return to his men once he has recovered enough to do so.

Marjie is relieved to see that he is well, but he is hiding the true extent of his injuries from those at home. And as overjoyed as she is to see him, she is also hurt and confused as to why he never wrote to her while he was away. He's been distant and sullen since his return and Marjie is unsure of how best to help him. And he is desperate to be near her again, but also desperate to keep his distance. Can their relationship, or even Stanley himself, survive another seperation?


I think For Love or Honor has been the most powerful book in the series for me. I was emotionally invested in Layton and Philip's stories as well, but this one had the biggest emotional impact on me.

I felt such a connection for both of our main characters, Stanley and Marjie. Living in a new home, poor Marjie was rebuffed by everyone around her when all she saught to do was to help and care for those closest to her. She feels lost and everytime she was crushed or closed out I felt for her. And Stanley had such a tough decision ahead of him but felt honor-bound to ignore his own health and wants.

I don't want to say anything else and spoil anything, but this was a truly touching and endearing story between two great characters.One of Sarah M. Eden's best books yet, I felt that this book was the best plot-wise and in terms of character development and I highly recommend it. I teared up the most with this book, as compared to her others. I was so invested in the story, I couldn't put it down.

I love learning more about each member of this very interesting family with each book and I look forward to the next. I love that these books are just as much about the family as a whole as they are about the couple the book is focused upon.