A review by anjumstar
Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw


This seems to be a very interesting show. I appreciated that the female characters were not weak in the least. In fact, they all turned out to be a completely different stereotype: using their attractiveness for manipulation. Now this doesn't give women the best reputation, but I think that it's better than the alternative for what they could be characterized as in the WWI era.

But the end of this book...I'm not going to say anything specific, but let's just say that it's a complete cop out. In fact, a scene like this would have been better in the beginning of the book because it creates an idea of setting. However, it has nothing else to do with the themes of the book. In fact, it paints all of the character as extraordinarily insensitive. And I know that this book is supposed to illustrate England's upperclass at the time, so that probably was the intention, but it's too much. It makes me lose any respect that I may have had for the characters before. That's why this story is rated as a three, and believe me, it's a low three at that. GBS could have come up with a better ending than this, I'm sure.