A review by cgwinters1981
Lady Mechanika La Dama de la Muerte by M. M. Chen, Joe Benitez

I received this book to review for free from NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review. All the opinions shared are my own and are my honest feelings regarding this book. If you know me I am not one to mix my words simply because something was free. These are my feelings on the book, both the good and the bad. So lets begin!!!

Central Theme:

The central theme of this particular graphic novel should be self-evident, but just in case you need a clue: DEATH! I mean come on, her friend died, she is at the festival for the dead, Demon Riders, DEATH DEATH DEATH. ;) It also is about coming to terms with loss, coming to terms with parts of your own life, and ultimately about making sure evil people get what the heck is coming to them.

My Feelings:

I had heard of "Lady Mechanika" in passing because I used to love to read comic books. When I saw this as a "read now" on NetGalley I was like, "Oh, This could be fun." It wasn't fun, IT WAS GOOD! No, let me be more clear: This was a great graphic novel. The artwork was superb. Don't believe me? You doubt my reviewing skills on this artwork? BE SCHOOLED:

Read the rest of my review at http://cassiewinterslibrary.blogspot.com/2017/07/comic-book-wednesday-lady-mechanika-la.html