A review by ms_aprilvincent
Delicious and Suspicious by Riley Adams


As someone who is Memphis-adjacent, and who loves bbq, I had high hopes for this series. Alas.

First, I wish more of Memphis itself had been included. The notes about the Peabody and Beale Street could have come from any Memphis travel guide; impersonal and generic, they were the standard description you'd see on brochures you pick up in a hotel lobby. The idea of a traditional front porch on Beale-- just, honey, no. A small side patio AT BEST, but no porch with rockers and yellow Labs.

Second, there were so many characters! I realize that it's necessary, in the first of a series, to spend time getting to know the players. However, the sheer multitude of people ensured that each filled a stock character role almost immediately: rich lady, quirky lady, old maid, sullen teenager, pageant girl, hippie art gallery owner, etc. There was no depth added once the label had been established.

Third, the murderer is not a believable choice, and the reveal came out of nowhere. No clues were given, other than the fact that everybody already hates this person, so it's convenient to get rid of him/her.

Finally, I couldn't connect to the main character. I can't explain why; she's basically a restaurant-owning Jessica Fletcher, so I should love her, but I don't.

I'll read the next in the series to see if there's improvement. Meanwhile, I'll be eating bbq for dinner tomorrow.