A review by yodamom
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


4.5 Loved it. it was so different form the norm out there. I did not expect to really like this book after reading the cover blurb. It is not a book for everyone, it is dark and has a sharp edge. The Raven Boys took me to another world filled with danger, mysteries, magic and a slight touch of romance. This author has a gift of creating characters that I can't help myself from relating too and struggling along with them. I can't wait for the next book. I need it know but, I have to wait. Cliffhanger ending.
The ending was my only problem with the book. I thought it just stopped. It felt like it was right in the middle of a sentence it was so abruptly ended. it felt rushed to wrap up so she could stop to get ready for the next book.