A review by clsmith666
Dirty Crazy Bad by Siobhan Davis


So some spoilers ahead, so if you’re someone who wants to know what/who some of the triggers involve (because I couldn’t find more details from the authors website), keep reading.
First off, our FMC is sexually assaulted by one of the MMC’s/love interests in the first chapters of the book; this whole encounter is also retold around 80% into the book. He pretends to be one of the other love interests by dressing & smelling like him and approaches the FMC in a dark bedroom where she assumes he’s a different person. She realizes it’s a different character (her step brother/MMC) in the middle of the act and tries to fight back. At some points he restrains her and he doesn’t listen to her when she tells him to stop. She says no and fights back how she can. To make this even more violating, the MMC is recording this to get back at her for stupid reasons and to ruin her relationship with one of the other MMC’s.
Additionally, about part way through the book, this same MMC assaults her in the shower by using his fingers.
Now for my review of these particular interactions- at no point of the FMC or other characters say or recognize that site was sexually assaulted by this character. It’s baffling to say the least. The author tries to play it off that it’s not SA because she secretly thinks this character is hot, but all her interactions with him otherwise are fighting and really hating him, and him forcing sexual acts on her. At one point, as her boyfriend is leaving her because she “told him what I had done,” even to go as far as saying she “f7c*** him last night,” When in reality she was assaulted. For this reason alone I down rated the book, which feels crappy because I normally really enjoy this authors books.

Our FMC is also SA’d by Jase’s older brother during initiation ceremony in front of all the secret society leaders & their families. It was going to be his father but the brother stepped in to apparently try and make it the least traumatizing for her?

She also catches Jase in the act with someone else, which he explains is part of his family’s job in the secret society, and that god siblings have to/are doing the same thing. He’s in no way apologetic about it and obviously gets mad at her that she doesn’t understand this is what he has to do. She later finds out he wasn’t actually cheating on her, but faking it so she would hate him and he could keep her safe.

The ending also has one of the MMC’s being SA’d which continues onto the next book. At least with this one they acknowledged it’s SA.

I was really excited for this series when I found out it was happening, but the reality was disappointing. I enjoy dark romance typically, but this just didn’t sit well, and I think a large part of it was the fact that all these things happened to the FMC and weren’t really acknowledged appropriately. And the MMC’s were all bad at communicating, it was like one big miscommunication trope.