A review by katkinney
The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos


This is an interesting little YA novel. Ruby, one of three sisters, has heard family tales passed down about how her mother and her sisters were sent away from Russia by their mother because their ability to (this is vaguely alluded to) sort of read tea leaves and predict fates for people got them marked for murder as witches. Lots of delightful Russian culture, folklore and wonderful story detail. The characters in this are great. It reminded me a little of “The Raven Cycle” with the quirky, small, intimate feel of it.

Every woman born into the family sees as a teen the manner in which she will die. When Ruby sees her fate (and it’s coming soon), she wonders if there is a way to change it, especially when the reading of the book where they record the predictions reveals her recently-deceased aunt was the only person they know of who defied fate. A slow and meandering fantasy tale that leaves you questioning where it’s going at times, but highly intriguing, and the details drew me in.