A review by whatcha_listening_to
All Played Out by Cora Carmack


Mateo & Nell

It starts with a list and whole lot of heart and dedication.
Nell for me is one of my most favorite characters I have ever read. And I have read a lot. She is shy but not sufficiently so, if that makes sense. She is smart without throwing it in your face she just doesn't know who she really is yet. And that's part of the college experience she was lacking hence the list.

And that's where Mateo come in. He kind of shakes up her world a whole lot. He gets her to see she isn't just the smart girl, she is the fun girl, the funny girl, and the girl that can make mistakes, and its not the end of the world.
Nell doesn't know it but she brings out the best in Mateo too. He needed to see past his past and see that what happened in then doesn't mean they are going to be repeated. No two girls are the same no matter the similarities.
And that maybe just maybe something can come in front of football not obliterate it be just show him that it doesn't have to be all or nothing kind of thing, he is more then just football.

This book is my favorite so far of the whole series. I am sure that will change with Stella's book. And I get why her book wasn't third and for me I am really looking forward to her book the most. Sooooo now we wait..... is it out yet??? lol