A review by prcizmadia
The Secret Knowledge of Water: Discovering the Essence of the American Desert by Craig Childs


This book actually took me a few years to read. I gave it a go multiple times but repeatedly stalled out. Childs' writing is as beautiful and absorbing as ever, I just really needed to have some degree of desert familiarity to really feel what he was saying on a personal level. I have that now.

I love the way this book is structured and executed, exploring water from the tiniest trace elements that exist in the harsh desert climate, to the supernatural destructive power of angry gods raging through pliant canyons. I have so much more to consider on a spiritual sense here. I had always figured myself obsessed with the rocks and structure of canyon country, not considering the influence of water-- how every structure, flow and organism of the desert is there because of water and reacting to it's presence or absence. Maybe that's what I'm really obsessed with the reliant towards. Praying to a false god this whole time.