A review by redhairedashreads
Dark Alpha's Fury by Donna Grant


4 stars - It was really good

We have finally come to the last Reaper story. This has been a long journey filled with a lot of danger but also a lot of love. I have really enjoyed the reapers and getting to know them so I am a little sad this is the last one, but I know they will pop up in future books in the Dark World. 

Aisling has been chasing after Xaneth since he escaped his prison but he has always kept her at arm's length. After the events on the Isle of Skye in the previous book, Xaneth has realized how much he cares for Aisling but is still afraid to act on them, especially with Lana still out there. Aisling and Xaneth’s relationship was a lot of push and pull. They would give into their feelings but then push each other away right after. I got a bit tired of this but I did enjoy their relationship overall. 

“Everyone is broken in some way. No one gets put back together exactly as they were before. But that’s part of life. The point is to be strong enough to begin healing. Let those broken pieces get picked up and put back into place.”

I enjoyed finally getting to learn more about Xaneth and his abilities. His magic has changed so much since his imprisonment that it was interesting to see what he can do and learn what he has become. We also learn about Aisling and how she became a Reaper, which was very heartbreaking. Seeing these two work together to fight and defeat the Others was great. They are definitely a dangerous couple who can do almost anything together. I also loved seeing these two learn to lean on each other and start to heal from their pasts. 

Overall, this was a good ending for this series and I am glad to see Aisling and Xaneth finally have their HEA. 

Trigger Warnings: abusive and controlling ex discussed; violent death of a child discussed; death of family mentioned; torture mentioned; torture of an animal mentioned; 

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*