A review by sasha_in_a_box
Movie Star by Lizzie Pepper by Hilary Liftin


I flew through this book! I had to abandon it while I finished several works of serious lit-rachure, but I finished it in 2 days after I was done. So things going for this book:
- written by a Hollywood ghostwriter, so she's got the style down pat
- it's about a mega-star actor "Rob Mars" who married a quirky actress "Lizzie Pepper", who became famous through her role on a teenage romantic drama (I think?) "Dawson's C American Dream", had a pretty successful indie film career, and was tossed into a big franchise based on a "video game" the second she married "Rob Mars". Sounds like someone you know? Well, some more of the story:

"Lizzie" is completely swept off her feet, despite "Rob"'s embarrassing public proclamations of love, and dives head-first into his life, including the highly controversial but seemingly innocent spirituality/self-help group known as "One Cell". She is at the peak of drunken happiness when she discovers that she's pregnant. Nothing can possibly go wrong! After all, she has replaced her best friend with someone who can help her get acclimated to "One Cell" better than before, and her pesky dad is cut out of her life, no more chances to spoil her fun! She's put her foot down, after all. Life is good~

This was very tongue-in-cheek, quite thrilling, and a massively fun book to read. It has its flaws, some stemming from the fact that we all know what's going to happen, but it's hard to tear your eyes away from a well-written torrid celebrity drama that could have happened just the way it's described. It helps that "Lizzie" is very likeable and easy to empathize with. Perhaps the inevitability is what makes this so fun. I wouldn't recommend this as your serious literature read of the year, but it's a wonderful snack in between heavy-hitters.