A review by aliu6
The Adventurers by Bryce Oakley


4.25 stars

When Joey Moore's fiancee leaves her at their surprise engagement party, Joey picks up her life and her dog and moves an hour away, where no one gives her pitying looks. The thing is, she's left all her friends and family behind, which makes for plenty of lonely nights in her apartment with just Ozzy for company. Then an accidental laundry mix-up puts her in the path of one Kendall O'Hara, and the two women tentatively develop a friendship. They push each other to reach outside of their comfort zones and go on adventures—but maybe falling in love is the biggest adventure of them all?

cw: homophobic parents, infidelity (by side characters), brief violence (by side characters), death by stroke (side character), descriptions of pet injuries and illnesses

This was a sexy and engaging read. The slow burn was amazing. I love age-gap romances! There were a few issues that didn't necessarily detract from the story, but sadly they still kept me from giving this more stars.

The Characters: Joey is 28 years old and doesn't really have her life together. To be honest, I wasn't a big Joey fan in the beginning because she was spamming her ex with texts and also experiencing severe FOMO with her friends back at home. But after she meets Kendall (which happens fairly early on), she is perky and very likable. She's kind of just trying her best and also crushing on a seemingly unattainable older woman. I guess her main hangup is that she's a serial monogamist who "settles into" relationships way too fast, aka she's a U-Haul lesbian. Kendall is 42 and definitely more mature about certain things, like going to a sex toy shop (LOL - that's a funny scene). But she has her own issues too. She had her heart broken a long time ago and now pushes people away whenever a relationship starts to turn serious. I got a little frustrated with Kendall at the end of the book because she makes some immature decisions. Maybe I shouldn't get frustrated though, because the author's choice to portray Joey and Kendall as flawed people who sometimes get into fights makes them more realistic. They were both fairly fleshed out, though I think we get to know Joey slightly better. The side characters were great. Fun, likable, and had great advice.

The Romance: Yes, the slow burn!!! I'm a big fan of slow burns, although maybe you should steer away from this book if you're not, because it has a pretty epic one. I loved the chemistry between the two MCs, even when they (insert eye roll) refused to believe that the other was interested. It was a little trope-y at times, but it worked with the premise, and nothing seemed too out there. I was definitely cheering for Joey and Kendall, and I could see that they complemented each other well. The sex scenes were pretty quick, which was a little disappointing given how hot the chemistry in their earlier scenes were. I feel like the kissing scenes were more sensual than the sex scenes but might just be me.

The Plot: The plot mainly followed their relationships, but it was pushed forward by the game they play with each other, which is attempting adventures that they draw from a jar. It made for some fun scenarios, that's for sure. I do think part of that was a little unrealistic. Like would I agree to do this with a practical stranger? No, or at least, they would have to be really cute ;)

The Writing: It had great flow, and the dialogue between them was great. No complaints here. The narration alternates between Joey's and Kendall's 3rd person limited POVs.

Other Things: Short spoiler-free comment is that some things were a little unrealistic or predictable, and other things were left unresolved.
SpoilerOkay, so Joey is a little naive? In the first chapter when Nikki hopped into Raina's car after the broken engagement, I knew that Raina had been cheating on Joey with Nikki. It was very cringe-y to watch Joey treat Nikki like a good friend who had her back when she really didn't. It's a minor complaint, but it still bothered me. Onto unresolved stuff: Joey never tells Kendall that she never had that one night stand. I know this is extremely small and it probably just wasn't shown, but I kind of wish we got to see that conversation. Also, while Kendall deals with her issues of emotional distancing, Joey doesn't really address her tendency to fall in love super fast and plan out an entire future. It's not necessarily a bad thing IMO, but since the book portrayed it as something she should work on, I wanted to see her work through it, or at least come to terms with it.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. It was a relatively quick read, and I was gripped the whole way through. I definitely recommend it. Quick, while it's still on Kindle Unlimited!