A review by misshashmeme
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are same.”

Wuthering Heights is probably my favourite novel of all time. I know that every book I’ve ever read cannot be put in the same category for comparison with Wuthering Heights. And that is exactly what leads me to state that this novel is incomparable to any other.

Before I read Wuthering Heights for the first time, I had been told that it is an intense and passionate love story of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff. Heathcliff, presumably an orphan, was adopted by Catherine’s father. After the death of Catherine’s father, Heathcliff was often bullied by her envious brother, Hindley. Catherine and Heathcliff spent a childhood together at Wuthering Heights, which made them very close to each other. However, when Catherine was to be married, she chose to marry into the wealthy and respectable family of the Lintons, even though she confessed that she’d never truly love anyone as much as she loved Heathcliff.

This is the point in the story when I started to realise that this novel is probably not a love story in the conventional sense. Catherine gave the highest importance to status in the society. She wanted it all, love, money, as well as status. Heathcliff’s number one priority became revenge and he went on to become the very man he hated so much. Their selfishness eventually led to the doom of their relationship.

It is easy to like the people who know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. It is easy to fall in love with people who will go to extreme lengths to be with you. But what happens when you love someone who is so very flawed? What happens when you love someone despite all their imperfections?

Emily Brontë has presented the readers with highly complex characters. There isn’t a single person who could fit the description of ‘perfect’. None of them realised how much they had lost until it was too late. And honestly, I think that is a very authentic representation of people in the real world.