A review by lookhome
Klingsor's Last Summer by Hermann Hesse


This collection of Hesse short stories is not his best work but it raises important questions about art, guilt and friendship.
A child's heart is about a young boy's coming of age and the ramifications of a single action. Hesse faithfully captures the throes and trauma of childhood guilt. Saying anymore may takeaway from the magic.
Klein and Wagner made me think of Steppenwolf and The Last Jedi. Read it and see if that makes any sense to you. The story is concerned with violence and regret and the all too well documented midlife crisis.
Klingsor's Last Summer was both better and worse than expected. Hesse writes sincerely about the art making process and does so in a creative way but there seems to be something lacking in the overall arc and purpose of the story. Noah Baumbach would be the perfect director for this as it has arguably influenced Greenberg, Frances Ha and the Meyerowitz Stories.
A good, not great collection of short stories.