A review by elvang
Just Physical by Jae


You know a book will be well written, well researched and edited to perfection when Jae is listed as the author. She breathes life into her characters. Her scenes and settings are easy to visualize.

Just Physical is all this plus an educational read on the challenges faced by those with MS. The physical side effects and current treatment processes are a given. What I had not considered before was the stigma that comes with an MS diagnosis. Careers are affected as are relationships. Jae brings this home with Jill's treatment on the set of a film she almost didn't get a role in because the director felt she would be unable to keep up with the rest of the cast. Jill prickles at what she perceives as coddling by Crash after she becomes aware of Jill's MS.

As heroic as Jill is made out to be I found Crash the easier character to admire. She had her own demons to contend with and an attraction to Jill she wanted to explore. She also pursued Jill with a gentle kindness which many times I didn't feel Jill deserved. Jill had her reasons to not want to form a romantic relationship, to not have to see a lover become her caregiver. Her arguments and repeated rejection of Crash made the book feel much longer than its 288 pages. Her fears and her pride made her seem obstinate rather than noble. It's rare that I pick a favourite in a romance novel but in Just Physical I was cheering for Crash and frustrated with Jill.