A review by jgrendahl
The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Klune


[b:The Lightning-Struck Heart|24468673|The Lightning-Struck Heart (Tales From Verania, #1)|T.J. Klune|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1434402683s/24468673.jpg|44061547]

This book is amazing. The first half of the book I spent smiling and laughing because the characters are hilarious and just always ON. The banter between Gary, Tiggy, Sam (and later, Ryan) was just wonderful. I constantly felt like my head was swiveling between the group, and I imagine that's much how Ryan felt when he first joined them on their Epic Adventure.

Then the second half of the book came, the revelations and truths that they'd been hiding from one another came rolling in, washing over them and bathing my heart in sadness for them. I cried and cried because the pain that Sam was feeling felt so real and after all the time spent running from it, he could no longer hide. The humor that colored the first half of the book took on a sad tinge, which totally worked for me, because it lent credence to what his friends and family were trying to do for him.

I think that the reason that I thought that this book was so good was that I actually FELT something for the characters. When it all came crashing down for Sam, I could understand how he felt. The pain of being in love, but having to walk away felt so real, as did his doing everything in his power to try and get over the feelings that he was having for Ryan. He just wanted to move through the mountain of pain he was experiencing and be on the other side of it, and I wanted that for him. SO badly.

I am most definitely a Sam Girl, and I think I always will be.